It is called Vathy which means “deep”. We are in the broader area of Asterousia Ori (a small sierra). Here, nothing can spoil your relaxation. The beach is untouched by the human hand. Unorganized. Quiet. Pure.There is only a small primitive coffee shop offering food and drinks to the visitors. Maybe a few tents here and there, temporary homes for campers arriving from every corner of the island. Vathy Beach is after all an ideal camping destination.
The beach is mainly sandy, with stones in places. The water is not very deep and the beach is surrounded by several tamarisk trees, where you can find shade. Nudism is not allowed here because it is considered offensive for the religious history of the area (due to the Odigitria Monastery). The beach is surrounded by long cliffs forming a natural cove. This is why the beach is well protected from the winds. In nautical terms, Vathy is an anchorage, a place for boats to resort to when they need protection from the weather. Indeed, pirates (Saracens) used it as such. The huge rocks on both sides of the beach are full of natural cavities which are wonderful. To access Vathi by car, follow the paved road from Sivas village to the monastery of Odigitria.
From there, you should follow the right dirt track, heading west, to Kefali Mount and crosses the wild Cape Lithino. Keep driving for about 15km in the rugged-gravel road, following the signs. If you find yourself in Matala Village it is worth renting a boat to get to Vathy. When entering the cove a warm feeling will fill your body.